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Policy On Bullying
Camp Lakey Gap
Bullying of other campers will not be tolerated at Camp Lakey Gap. We define bullying as when a person is repeatedly exposed to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. This can be done through verbal derogatory comments, social exclusion, physical bullying, bullying through lies, having things taken or damaged, or being threatened.
We understand that some people with autism will have behaviors that could fit into these categories, but are not bullying. The behaviors will be considered bullying when there is obvious intention behind the actions, and/or when it effects a camper or group of campers to the point that their experience is being effected negatively.
Camp Lakey Gap will make every effort possible to remedy the situation so that all campers can enjoy their experience, but after reasonable attempts at a remedy if the situation continues, campers may be sent home.
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